Medical bathing
Bathing is one of the most important and most effective manners of preventing and curing disease in Islamic and traditional medicine. In the past, bathing had its own special methods and had a complete and comprehensive process which, as well as cleanliness and washing, was a great part of treating disease in traditional medicine. In the ancient baths, colour therapy, aromatherapy, narrative therapy, silence therapy, reflexology etc. used to take place and also applying kohl and massages. For this reason, the architecture of these baths was limited to the person and every part of it was created upon a certain medical idea or opinion. It is said that the first person to enter a bath and created nurah (a depilatory) was Sulayman ibn Dawud. [1]
The position of bathing in Islam
- Imam Sadiq said,
“The best thing by which we treat disease is hijamah (cupping), saut (a special ball that is placed in the nose, is smelt and causes sneezing), bathing and huqnah (enema).” [2]
- Imam Rida said in Risalah Dhahabiyyah regarding the bath and its benefits,
“As the human body is formed of four temperaments, the bath has four parts: the first part is cold and dry, the second part is cold and wet, the third part is warm and wet and the fourth part is warm and dry, and the benefits of bathing are great. Bathing leads to the moderation of body (temperament-wise), cleans pollution and dirt, softens the arteries and nerves, strengthens the main organs of the body and removes the toxins from the body.” [3]
- The eighth Shiite Imam said,
“If something is to increase the [energy of the] body, it would be to massage the body and soft clothes, in addition to perfume and bathing.” [3] [4]
- The Holy Prophet said,
“All illnesses and all cures are three kinds; the illnesses are hyperaemia, mirrah (safra (yellow bile) and sawda (black bile)) and balgham (phlegm). The cure of hyperaemia is cupping, the cure of balgham is bathing and the cure of mirrah is laxatives.” [5]
- Imam Ali said,
“The best of places is the bath; it reminds man of the fire of hell and cleans the pollution and dirt.” [6]
Characteristics of a safe bath
As the bath has a position in traditional medicine, special characteristics have been mentioned about a safe bath:
- A safe and good bath is one with walls made from lime (lime releases nutrients into the water which our bodies need)
- Its store should be made from copper (our bodies aren’t magnetised towards copper)
- The longest time to take in a shower is for Sawdawis (people with a black bile temperament) which is one hour, then Balghamis (people with a phlegm temperament) which is forty-five minutes, then Damawis (people with a blood temperament) which is half an hour, then Safrawis (people with a yellow bile temperament) which is fifteen minutes. Today’s baths are tools for cleanliness but Islamic baths are disease-treaters. [7]
Uses and benefits of bathing [8]
- Moderates the temperament
- Removes dirt and pollution
- Causes the veins, small and big, to become soft
- Strengthens the organs
- Removes the excess from the body
- Destroys the excess and infections of the body
- Similar to hijamah, it is a fundamental treatment and causes the cleaning of the body and the conversion of the temperaments
- It is a fundamental and proper treatment for phlegm (a boiling hot bath) (the signs of phlegm are: a build-up of mucus behind the throat, a slow growth in nails and hair, the falling and whiteness of hair, the bad smell of the mouth etc.)
- Softening the nerves
- Cleans the whole body
- Removes fungi and microbes
- Softens the veins (treats atherosclerosis)
- Removes the internal refuse from the body
- Fattens the body (if one bathes every day during or approximately an hour after eating)
- Thins the body (if one bathes every morning while hungry)
Rites of bathing
Rites to observe before entering the bath
- Not bathing on an empty or hungry stomach: Imam Kadhim said,
“Do not go to the bath while hungry and on an empty stomach and don’t enter unless you have eaten something.” [9]
- Not bathing on a very full stomach: It has been narrated that Imam Sadiq said,
Also, it has been mentioned in a narration from Imam Sadiq,“Three things destroy the body and sometimes kill people; eating salted and dried meat, entering the bath with a full stomach and marrying old and aged women.” [10]
As the insides of the body become warm when one enters the bath, the stomach starts to warm, therefore, if it is empty, it becomes weak and if it is very full, it will be harmed, and therefore, the Imam orders that the stomach should be in a moderate state so that the body can become strong.“Don’t go to the bath except that for if there is something in your stomach, as it calms the stomach and this strengthens the body, and also, don’t enter the bath while your stomach is full of food.” [11]
- Using violet oil before bathing to prevent boils and blisters: Imam Rida said,
“Whoever wishes not to find boils and blisters on the skin of his body should apply violet oil on his body before entering the warm part [of the bath] or before entering the hot water.” [12]
Rites to observe when entering the bath
- Pouring some hot water on the head and feet and drinking some of it if possible: Imam Sadiq said,
“While entering the bath, first take some hot water and pour some on your head and your feet and if it is possible for you to drink some of that water, do so as that cleans and purifies the bladder.” [9]
Rites to observe inside the bath
- Not drinking cold water or any other cold drink in the bath
- Not pouring cold water on the body: Imam Sadiq said, “Lest you drink cold water or any other cold drink in the shower as it corrupts the stomach, and don’t pour cold water on the body as it weakens it.”
- Abstaining from leaning on and laying on your flank in the bath
- Abstaining from combing your hair in the bath
- Abstaining from washing the head with mud
- Abstaining from removing the dirt of the body with pottery
- Abstaining from putting the loincloth on the face: Imam Sadiq said,
“In the bath, don’t lean or lay on your flank i.e. don’t place your back or flanks on the floor of the bath which is very hot as that increases the fat of the kidneys and turns it to water. Also, don’t comb your hair in the bath as this weakens the hair. Don’t wash your hair with mud as it makes the face ugly. Don’t remove the dirt from your body with pottery as this causes the disease of vitiligo. Don’t put your loincloth on your face as this removes the freshness of the face.” [13]
- Abstaining from brushing your teeth in the bath: Imam Baqir said,
“Brushing your teeth in the bath is makruh (disliked) and causes the decay of the teeth.” [14] [15]
- Abstaining from urinating in the bath: Imam Ali said, “Urinating in the bath causes poverty.” [16]
- Abstaining from reciting the Quran in the bath while naked: Muhammad ibn Muslim asked Imam Baqir,
He replied,“Did Imam Ali prevent people from reciting Quran in the bath?”
Imam Sadiq said,“No, but rather, prevented people from reciting Quran while naked and unclothed.” [17]
“There is no problem to reciting Quran in the bath if it is for Allah, not to show off his voice.” [17]
Rites to observe when leaving the bath
- Pouring cold water on both feet before leaving the bath: Imam Sadiq said,
“After leaving the bath, wash your feet with cold water as it removes pain.” ((Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 113)
Note: People who catch colds quickly should wash their feet from the ankle downwards after leaving the bath. This brings the heat of your body down which was high during the bath and prevents getting a cold.
- Covering the head while leaving the bath: One of the companions of Imam Sadiq said,
The narrator continued,“Imam left the bath, wore his clothes and put his turban on.”
“I never stopped putting my turban on after leaving the bath in winter and summer.” [18]
- While leaving the bath and wearing your clothes, read the following supplication: Imam Sadiq said,
“When you have worn your clothes, say, “O’ Allah, clothe me with the robe of God-wariness and save me from destruction.” If you do so, you will be safe from every illness.” [19]
Order of bathing
- Bathing every other day: Imam Kadhim said,
“One should bathe every other day and if he bathes every day, the fats of his kidneys will turn to water.” [6]
- Taking a bath one after another makes one thin: Imam Sadiq said,
“Three things make someone fat and three things make someone thin. Those that make one fat are taking back-to-back showers, smelling beautiful smells and wearing soft clothes. Those that make one thin are eating something after eggs, fish and the pits of the date palm.” [20]
Using nurah
What is nurah?
It is a dust-like and powdery substance which is created by mixing lime and orpiment (arsenic trisulfide) and is used to remove unwanted hair. Three vital minerals are in nurah which consist of arsenic, phosphorous and sulphur. Nurah, which consists of arsenic, phosphorous and sulphur, is placed in a small and cold place of the body so that in this time, it can enter the lungs through breathing and smelling and then in the blood and therefore, whenever nurah is used, many factors of cancer are removed from the body. An important point to be remembered is that nurah must be natural i.e. nothing should be taken away (arsenic) and nothing should be added (essence).
History of using nurah
Nurah or wajibi is a powder which has been used to remove extra hair and for the hygiene of the body for a long time and since the era of Prophet Sulayman (Imam Sadiq said, “Whoever wishes to remove hair from his body should use nurah and place it on the sides of his nose and say “May God have mercy upon Sulayman ibn Dawud who ordered [the use of] nurah.””) [21] The findings of the archaeologists show that the first humans attained this depilatory through mixing orpiment, limestone, gum and several plants. Removing all hairs of the body is a way of preventing infections and sepsis. This method of removing hair has been used over the times. After the advent of Islam, the Infallibles put much emphasis on using nurah. Imam Ali said regarding using nurah, “I love for the believer to remove the hair of his body once every fifteen days.” [22] From the viewpoint of Islam, nurah is a treater and cleaner of pollutions.
Narrations about nurah
- It has been narrated from Imam Sadiq, “There are four medicines; saut, hijamah, nurah (a natural powder which removes hair by putting it on the skin and softens the skin) and huqnah.” [23]
- Ibn Majah narrated from Umm Salamah, “Whenever the Holy Prophet wished to apply nurah, he would start from his private parts and cover it with nurah and his family would put the nurah on the rest of his body.” [1]
- Imam Baqir said, “Arab medicine is in seven things; a cupping blade, huqnah, bathing, saut, qayy (medicine-induced vomiting), honey sherbet and the last is heat treatment. One may add nurah to these.” [2]
General points regarding the use of nurah
- So that from nurah, no wound appears on the body, there is no shaking in the hands and feet or black spots don’t appear on the skin, one must wash his body with cold water before using nurah. [24] Whenever you use nurah, refrain from sexual intercourse for approximately twelve hours or a complete day.
- If you wish to remain safe from burns, don’t rub it on your skin too much, wash it off with cold water and then rub some red rose oil on the place you applied nurah. Whenever nurah burns your body due to ignorance to the conditions, powder some skinless lentils, mix it with rose water and vinegar, place it on the burnt area and rub it. The best thing which prevents wounds from nurah through rubbing is grape vinegar and red rose oil. [8]
- The Holy Prophet said, “Five things cause vitiligo; applying nurah on Friday and Wednesday, making wudu (minor ablution) and ghusl (major ablution) with water warmed by the sun, eating in a state of janabah (ritual impurity after sexual intercourse or ejaculation), having sexual intercourse with a woman while she is menstruating and eating while full.” [25] [26]
- It has been narrated from Imam Ali who said, “It is better not to apply nurah on Wednesdays as it is an inauspicious day but it is permitted on the rest of the days.” [27]
- Imam Sadiq says in a narration, “Applying henna on the body after applying nurah keeps you safe from vitiligo and leprosy.” [28]
Benefits of using nurah
Nurah is a treatment and a method of prevention of a great number of diseases at the same time which, due to the amount of emphasis on it, is also called wajibi. Applying nurah even every other day is also useful and there is no problem with it but what is known is once every fifteen days.
- Imam Kadhim said regarding the importance of removing hair, “Remove your hair as it makes you better.” [29]
- Imam Ali said, “Nurah is a purifier.” [30]
- Imam Ali said, “Nurah is a guard and purifies the body.” [31]
- Imam Ali said, ““I love for the believer to remove the hair of his body once every fifteen days.” [31]
- Imam Sadiq said, “The tradition regarding nurah is that it is done once every fifteen days. If twenty days passed and you didn’t do this, and you have nothing to buy it with, borrow it on Allah’s trust.” [31]
- The Holy Prophet said, “Whoever has faith in Allah and the Last Day, lest they leave the pubic hair to grow for more than forty days. It is not right for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to leave this for more than twenty days.” [31]
- Imam Sadiq said, “Whoever decides to apply nurah should take some in his hands, smell it, place it around his nose and say, “May God’s peace be upon Sulayman ibn Dawud as he ordered us to use nurah,” and if the person does so, the nurah won’t burn his body.” [29]
- Al-Kafi narrates from Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Abdullah, “One day, I went to the bath with Imam Sadiq. He said to me, “O’ Abd al-Rahman! Remove your hair!” I replied, “I removed my hair a few days ago.” He said, “Remove your hair as it is a form of purity.” [29]
Benefits of natural nurah
- Removes all skin fungi which grow in all moist parts of the body and these microscopic fungi can be removed by natural nurah
- Softens the body’s skin and refreshes it
- Refreshes the skin colour and doesn’t cause darkness on the skin
- When using, there is no difference if the body is wet or dry and is even recommended that when the body is sweaty to first take a shower so that the sweat is cleaned and then to use nurah so that the acid of the sweat doesn’t burn the skin and in this case, as the body is wet, you must make the powder harder or a paste so that it stays in the skin or moves.
- If you wash your body after the nurah is completed and some hairs stay on the body, there is no need to remove the hair again and after drying the body, the hairs will fall off after twenty-four hours.
- After using some shavers like razors, the head of the hair becomes two-headed and when it grows, it will cause the hair to get stuck under the skin and eventually, it will cause boils to appear. Using natural nurah causes the head of the hair to be soft and one-headed and when it grows, it won’t cause any problems like boils.
- If you wish for your skin to be softer, you can put henna on your skin after using nurah. Imam Sadiq said, “Applying henna after applying nurah keeps one safe from leprosy and vitiligo.” [28]
- One of the reasons which increase the possibility of infection in women is using razors to remove excess hair and not using hygienic medicines (nurah). Normally, they keep the razor in the bathroom which is in a moist atmosphere and as a result, fungi and microbes grow on it and when they use it, they go to the mouth of the womb. Hygienic medicines, as well as removing hair, has the amazing characteristic of removing microbes and on top of that, removes the infections from the body and strengthens the womb and ovaries and causes happiness and removes sadness, worry and stress. [32]
The best method of using nurah
- Pour the powder into a plate and add some warm or hot water (approximately 50ºC) to it. Be careful that you don’t put too much water as if the medicine becomes too diluted, it won’t have a strong enough effect and will burn the body.
- Make the medicine into a soft paste.
- When the medicine is completely mixed with the water, it will turn green.
- Put the medicine on places of the body with a lot of hair.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 ‘al-Ṭibb ‘al-Nabawī, p. 304
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Wasā’il ‘al-Shī`aḧ, vol. 25, p. 226
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mustadrak ‘al-Wasā’il wa Mustanbiṭ ‘al-Masā’il, vol. 1, p. 375
- ↑ ‘al-Fiqh ‘al-Mansūb ‘ilá ‘al-‘Imām ‘al-Riḍā `Alayh ‘al-Salām, p. 346
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍaruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 126
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 ‘al-Kāfī, vol. 6, p. 496
- ↑ Mazāj Shenāsī va Noskheh-hāye Ostād Khayrandīsh, p. 181
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Ṭibb ‘al-Riḍā, p. 69
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 113
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 126
- ↑ Makārim ‘al-‘Akhlāq, vol. 1, p. 101
- ↑ Ṭibb ‘al-Riḍā, p. 70
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 116
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 82
- ↑ Makārim ‘al-‘Akhlāq, vol. 1, p. 95
- ↑ ‘al-Khiṣāl, vol. 2, p. 504
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 ‘al-Kāfī, vol. 6, p. 502
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 154
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 114
- ↑ Makārim ‘al-‘Akhlāq, vol. 1, p. 104
- ↑ Safīnaḧ ‘al-Biḥār, vol. 8, p. 359
- ↑ ‘al-Kāfī, vol. 6, p.506
- ↑ ‘al-Kāfī, vol. 8, p. 192
- ↑ ‘al-Qānūn fī ‘al-Ṭibb, vol. 4, p. 364
- ↑ ‘al-Khiṣāl, vol. 1, p. 270
- ↑ Dāneshnāmeh Ahādīs Pezeshkī, vol. 1, p. 509
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 120
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 121
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 ‘al-Kāfī, vol. 6, p. 505
- ↑ Man lā Yaḥḍuruh ‘al-Faqīh, vol. 1, p. 119
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 ‘al-Kāfī, vol. 6, p. 506
- ↑ Majmū’eh Payk Shefā, vol. 6, p. 28 and 31