Battle of Banu Lahyan


In the book, Ilam al-Wara, it has been stated that the battle of Banu Lahyan took place after the battle of Banu Nadhir. In the book, al-Manaqib, it has been reported that the battle of Banu Lahyan took place in the month of Jamadi al-Ula (two months after the battle of Banu Nadhir). In Ibn Athir’s work, al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh, he writes that this battle took place in the year 6 A.H. [1]  [2] [3].

Background on the Battle

Before the incident at the expedition of al-Raji’, who at the invitation of Ibn Bara’ Khuza’ee and the surprise attack on the Muslims by the Banu Lahyan, a tribe from amongst the Huzayl, who had taken Khabith bin ‘Uday and Zayd bin al-Dathinnah as prisoners and then sold to the polytheists in Makkah. They were latter killed by the polytheists. [4]

Aftermath of the Battle

After the martyrdom of the companions at al-Raji, the Prophet started moving towards the tribe of Banu Lahyan and wanted to get justice for the killing of Khabith bin Uday and his companions from them. He and the Muslims first made a feint towards Syria, and then suddenly changed course towards Batn Gharran where Bani Lahyan resided, between Amajj and Asfan, in order to surprise them. However, when they arrived they saw that Banu Lahyan had escaped into the mountains.

The Prophet was not able to achieve what he had wished to accomplish, however with two-hundred companions with him, he was able to surround Asfan, and sent two horsemen towards Kura al-Ghamim in order to confirm his growing military power. [3]


  1. Ilam ul-Wara Volume 1 Page 188
  2. Manaqib Aal Abi Talib Volume 1 Page 197
  3. 3.0 3.1 al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh Volume 1 Page 128
  4. al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh, Volume 1, Page 128