The Attack on al-Kadid

Time and place of the attack

This attack took place in the month of Safar in the year 8 A.H. in the region of al-Kadid on the outskirts of Medina. [1]

Background of the attack

Reason for the war

The reason and background of this attack has not been mentioned in the books of history.

The Prophet’s command for an attack on Bani Mulawwah

In the year 8 A.H., in the month of Safar, Prophet Muhammad sent Ghalib ibn Abdullah al-Laythi al-Kalbi along with ten others to attack the tribe of Bani Mulawwah and said to Ghalib,

“Launch a surprise attack on Bani Mulawwah in al-Kadid.” [1]

A study of the situation of the enemy before the attack

The Muslims began the move after the command of the Prophet and reached al-Kadid at sunset. [1] At first, they remained hidden in a secluded area and sent one of the Muslims ahead to gather information. As he went closer and climbed up a hill that overlooked that area, he saw Bani Mulawwah in the open with their established settlement. He noticed that their livestock were slowly returning from the desert and that the people were busy attending to and washing their animals. Once they finished their work, they turned in and went to sleep. ((Ibid.)

Account of the war

The Muslims launched a sudden attack just before sunrise, killing the fighters from Bani Mulawwah, taking their women and children captive, gathering the livestock and then setting off back home to Medina. [1]

The post-war account

The Muslims are pursued

The Bani Mulawwah were from the tribe of Bani Layth and after the attack on them, one of the people escaped and informed Bani Layth of what had transpired. The Bani Layth set out with an army which the Muslims were unable to fight against and pursued them until they reached a bottleneck. [1]

The Muslims escape through Divine assistance

The narrator of this historical event says, “By Allah, until we reached there we had seen no cloud or rain, but Allah knows from where He sent a flood which filled the valley between us and them in a way that none of them was able to cross the water to reach us. We escaped from them while they stood and looked at us.” [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Sirah Ibn Hisham Volume 6 Page 258