Expedition of Bani Kilab Towards Bani Bakr

Time and Location of Expedition

This expedition took place in the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal in the year 9 A.H. in Qarta’. [1] The exact location was Zujj Lawah (in the area of Dhariyyah). [1]. The journey from the city of Medina to Dhariyyah was seven nights. [2] [3]

Background on the Expedition

The Messenger of Allah appointed Dhahhak bin Sufyan al-Kilabi as the leader of the expedition and sent him towards Banu Bakr in Qarta’. [1]

Details of the Expedition

Banu Kilab lived in a place called Zujj Lawah (in the area of Dhariyyah) and after encountering Banu Bakr there, they invited them towards Islam. However, Banu Bakr refused their invitation and subsequently the Muslims entered into battle with them. The Banu Bakr were defeated and ran away. [1]

Aftermath of the Expedition

Asyad bin Qart and his polytheist father

Asyad bin Qart had converted to Islam, however his father, Salamah, remained a disbeliever and refused to convert, and while Asyad bin Salamah accompanied the Muslim army, his father remainder amongst the tribe of Banu Bakr. Asyad chased down his father until he reached a water-pond in Zujj and found his father sitting on his horse. Asyad once again invited his father towards Islam promising him amnesty, but his father used profanities against Asyad and his religion. Salmah entered the pond with his horse, and in this altercation, his son hit the leg of his father’s horse with his sword. The horse fell and Salamah too fell off of his horse. Asyad detained his father until the other Muslims could come and execute him, so that Asyad would not have to kill his father. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Muhammad bin Umar al-Waqidi, al-Maghazi Volume 2 Page 981
  2. Ansab al-Ashraf by al-Baladhuri Volume 1 Page 376
  3. al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, by Ibn Sad Volume 2 Page 60