Pages in category "Contradictions"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- Did Allah Punish the People of Aad in One Day or More?
- Did Prophet Haroon Prevent the Bani Israil from Worshipping the Calf?
- Did Prophet Lut’s People Request Punishment or Threaten Him with Expulsion?
- Did Prophet Nuh’s People Exile Him?
- Did the Son of Prophet Nuh Attain Salvation?
- Do the Angels Possess Infallibility?
- Does Allah Alone have Knowledge of the Unseen or do Others have this Knowledge as well?
- Does Allah Enjoin Immorality or does He Prohibit it?
- Does Allah have Children?
- Does Allah Swear by the City of Mecca in the Quran or not?
- Does guidance and misguidance root from Allah or other than Him?
- Does the Quran Promote Peace or Aggression?
- Does the remembrance of Allah cause tranquility or fear?
- If Shaytan did not have any Authority over the Prophets then why did Allah Order them to Seek Refuge with Him
- Is Creation Obedient to Allah or Disobedient?
- Is Prophet Isa Alive or Dead?
- Is Prophet Jesus one brought near to Allah or will he burn in hell?
- Is the Attribution of Disbelief to all Arabs in the Quran Contradicting the Consideration that Some of Them have been Considered Believers?
- Is There a Contradiction between the Prohibition and Permissibility Given to the Prophet in Regards to Marriage?
- Is there One East and One West or More?
- Was Firawn Saved or Did He Drown?
- Was Iblis Expelled from Paradise or did He Stay There?
- Was the Prophet the First Muslim or Were there Muslims before Him?
- Were Human Beings and Jinns Created to Worship Allah or to be Sent to the Hellfire?
- Were the people of Thamud punished with a wild punishment, earthquake, lightning or thunder?
- What did Allah say to Prophet Musa after the miracle of his staff?
- What did Prophet Lut say to his people?
- What Question did Lady Mariam Ask in Regards to How She could Have a Child and What was Allah’s Response?
- What was Created First - the Heavens or the Earth?
- Who Brought the Revelation to the Prophet - Jibrael, the Trustworthy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, or Allah?
- Why have Multiple Examples been Given for the Most Oppressive Person in the Holy Quran?
- Why have Two Different Punishments been Mentioned for the People of Aad in the Quran?
- Will People Speak to One Another on the Day of Judgement?
- Will the Servants be Questioned on the Day of Judgement?